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What Is Alcoholic Nose? Rhinophyma Causes, Symptoms Risks & More

While rhinophyma can affect anyone, it is more common in men over 30 with fair skin. Those with a family history of rosacea also increases the likelihood of developing rhinophyma (alcoholic nose). In the past, and even in modern times, rhinophyma was largely considered to be a side-effect of alcoholism or alcohol use disorder. Someone who has a bulbous, swollen red nose may suffer from incorrect judgments and assumptions about their character and substance use habits. Rosacea is a skin condition that affects plenty of people each year. When a person has rosacea, their skin—especially on the face— will appear red and create visible blood vessels in the face.

alcholic nose

Due to the symptoms of rhinophyma, people often believed this condition was caused by alcoholism. One effect of alcoholism is called “alcoholic nose,” which also goes by the drinker’s nose, brandy nose, and bulbous nose. Medically, it has gained the name rhinophyma, which describes the nose’s skin condition becoming red or purple with a bumpy appearance. This change in appearance is one indicator of an alcoholic, as this happens due to overindulging in these drinks.


Yet chronic alcohol abuse can worsen the condition (rosacea), which leads to drinker’s nose when left untreated. While it’s true that alcohol use may trigger rosacea flare-ups, this does not mean that every person with rosacea will automatically 254 Massachusetts Sober Living Homes Transitional Living MA develop rhinophyma. It is an extreme side effect only experienced by a small percentage of people who suffer from rosacea. That being said, someone who already has rhinophyma may find their condition is worsened by drinking alcohol.

The main treatment option for rhinophyma is surgery; however, some medications may provide a small degree of help. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects the blood vessels in the face, leading to a flushed appearance of the facial skin. Rosacea also causes an increased number of pimples and poorer skin quality. Nevertheless, the idea of red-faced characters that you might expect to find in a Disney® movie’s tavern have also crossed over in a way to the real world.

Risk factors

Therapy helps uncover the root of the dependency and provides long-term treatment. Outpatient offers medical services and monitoring on a scheduled basis. The rest of the time, individuals are free to maintain their day-to-day lives.

Rosacea is typically a less severe condition than having rhinophyma, in which the latter takes years to form. However, as time goes by, rosacea symptoms often surface in alcoholics, which can indicate that rhinophyma is starting to materialize. Individuals who are suffering from alcohol abuse are likely to take unnecessary risks while drinking. These risks can include everything from choosing to drink and drive to participating in unsafe sex or fighting with a partner. Individuals who are ‘hot-headed’ while drinking is often considered to be displaying signs of alcohol abuse.