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Understanding the Link Between PTSD and Alcohol Abuse

ptsd and alcohol abuse

Women are also more likely to experience  a number of deeply impactful traumatic events such as rape and sexual abuse and often turn to alcohol to cope. Some studies suggest that alcohol consumption can increase the likelihood of the development of PTSD in women, due to the increased likelihood of  exposure of traumatic events that occurs as a result of alcohol abuse. These two condition can share a bi-directional nature, and may require dual diagnosis treatment in order to help one recover.

PTSD and Alcoholism in Women

Complex PTSD (or C-PTSD) is a similar condition that can occur when someone experiences repeated, ongoing trauma. Symptoms can be similar, but people with C-PTSD also tend to experience emotional flashbacks, disassociation, and low self-esteem. Call now to connect with a treatment provider and start your recovery journey. A good treatment program will design a program tailored to your individual needs. It will help you process trauma, stop drinking, and learn new, healthier coping mechanisms going forward.

  • One of the rehabilitation centers exclusively served women, while the remaining centers, accepted only male patients.
  • Seeking professional support is a significant stride towards a healthier, brighter future.
  • Although more randomized controlled trials of integrative treatments are needed, the studies to date clearly demonstrate that for the majority of alcohol-dependent patients with trauma/PTSD, the inclusion of trauma interventions confers substantial therapeutic benefits.
  • This RCT will provide more knowledge about the effectiveness of different treatment strategies for PTSD in patients with co-occurring SUD and will ultimately improve treatment outcomes for patients with this common co-morbidity worldwide.

Military Members and Veterans with PTSD and SUD

This distinguishes it from the traditional diagnosis of PTSD, which can result from a single, time-limited traumatic event. People with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) often experience chronic emotional distress. Symptoms include emotional dysregulation, intense shame, and a negative self-concept due to prolonged exposure to trauma. AUD and PTSD have shown a consistent comorbidity over many decades and in diverse populations.

Frequently Asked Questions About PTSD and Addiction

These, in turn, may contribute to worsening symptoms in a counterproductive cycle. In other words, you may begin using alcohol as a way to cope with PTSD symptoms, but it becomes a dangerous learned behavior. Reframe supports you in reducing alcohol consumption and enhancing your well-being. Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology.

ptsd and alcohol abuse

Following trauma or series of traumatic events, social support, and immediate intervention can reduce the likelihood and severity that an individual will develop trauma symptoms. These interventions also reduce the risk for substance use issues, supporting the theory that substance use is a form of coping with trauma symptoms. For many, trauma manifests as hypervigilance, re-experiencing the trauma, and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Although substance use is not an official symptom of PTSD, about 59% of people diagnosed with PTSD develop issues with substance use and dependence. The studies that examined medications targeting PTSD all tested selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and none observed a between-group difference in AUD or PTSD outcomes, although trends in PTSD improvement were observed in participants treated with sertraline.

Cognitive behavioral conjoint therapy

  • Events that most frequently resulted in PTSD were torture (53%), being threatened with a weapon/kidnapped/held captive (39%), and sexual assault (37%).
  • Once people experience traumatic circumstances, they can also develop guilt and shame which can manifest in alcohol and/or drug dependency.
  • An economic evaluation will be conducted alongside the randomized trial and will be performed according to the intention-to-treat principle.
  • Timing and content of regular SUD treatment will not be modified due to or affected by participation in the study.
  • Childhood trauma can increase the risk of developing alcohol use disorder (AUD) in adulthood.

Implementing SUD treatments for individuals with co-occurring PTSD and AUD could be a way for providers to address clinical needs without learning another manual-guided treatment. A couples therapy called “project VALOR,” which stands for “veterans and loved ones readjusting,” involves 25 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy for PTSD and alcohol misuse, enhanced for significant others. Two OEF/OIF veterans received VALOR therapy in two separate case studies.49 These veterans greatly reduced their alcohol use at the start of treatment or shortly before beginning the treatment, and their PTSD symptoms substantially ptsd and alcohol abuse decreased over the course of treatment.

ptsd and alcohol abuse

ptsd and alcohol abuse

Unfortunately, both alcohol usage disorders and alcohol withdrawal can intensify the symptoms of PTSD, so support during the detox process will be essential to increase the effectiveness of any treatment. ACEs are fairly common, with almost two-thirds of adults reporting at least one adverse childhood experience. They can contribute to many issues, including mental health diagnoses, medical problems, poor social support, unemployment, substance dependence, and early death. The link between trauma and increased risk for substance use disorders has been documented in research for many years.

Behavioral Treatments for Comorbid AUD and PTSD

  • Victims of PTSD are more likely to develop alcoholism to self-medicate symptoms of trauma.
  • Alcohol use disorder (AUD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are highly prevalent and debilitating psychiatric conditions that commonly co-occur.
  • The LEC-5 is based on the DSM-5 and assesses exposure to 17 potentially traumatic events.
  • The Simpson et al. (2017) article extends prior reviews of behavioral treatments for AUD/PTSD by considering whether comparison treatment conditions are matched to the experimental treatment condition on time and attention, and by reporting on alcohol and drug use outcomes separately when possible.

For this reason, it is important to evaluate both risk for exposure as well as risk for a disorder among those exposed. Research finds that almost 50 percent of women will experience a traumatic event at some point in their lifetime. Women are more likely to experience trauma in the form of sexual assault or childhood trauma.